Research now suggests a link exists between well-educated and informed patients and cheaper health care. recently posted an article boasting findings from Health Affairs Magazine discussing the effects of informed patients on the healthcare budget claiming,

“Patients with the highest scores on a self-reporting survey of ‘knowledge, skills, and confidence’ to make healthy choices and informed medical decisions were less costly than those with the lowest scores, based on projected spending for roughly 33,610 patients in 2010”

The studies suggest the more patients take the initiative in understanding their treatment, the less overall  cost for their care. At OptionOne, our focus is on educating our patients through clinical assessments and at-home patient teachings, ample access to medical resources, and 24/7 access to our nursing, pharmacy, and after-hours phone service.

Our job is offering the best possible care for the most affordable price. As mentioned in the article by ModernHealthCare, “…patients play an important role in determining their own health outcomes.” We are here to help you take back control of your health care outcomes!